The origin of domestication genes in goats
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A domesticação de cabras foi fundamental para a agricultura e a civilização, mas suas mudanças genéticas subjacentes e regimes de seleção permanecem incertos. Aqui, analisamos os genomas de cabras domésticas em todo o mundo, espécies de caprídeos selvagens e restos históricos, fornecendo evidências de um antigo evento de introgressão de uma espécie turca do oeste do Cáucaso para o ancestral de cabras domésticas. Um locus introgressado com uma forte assinatura de seleção abriga o gene MUC6, que codifica uma mucina secretada gastrointestinalmente. Experimentos revelaram que o haplótipo introgressivo quase fixo confere maior resistência imune a patógenos gastrointestinais. Outro lócus com um forte sinal de seleção pode estar relacionado ao comportamento. Os alelos selecionados nesses dois locais surgiram em cabras domésticas há pelo menos 7200 e 8100 anos atrás, respectivamente, e aumentaram para altas frequências simultâneas à expansão do onipresente haplogrupo mitocondrial moderno A. O rastreamento dessas transformações evolutivas arqueologicamente enigmáticas fornece novos insights sobre os mecanismos de domesticação animal.
Domestication presents an extreme shift of physiological and behavioral stress for free-living animals (1) to a high-density and disease-prone anthropogenic environment, especially for herbivores. The goat (Capra hircus) was one of the first domesticated livestock species, demonstrating remarkable adaptability and versatility (2, 3), and it has been intimately associated with human dispersal (4).
Recent studies have identified candidate targets of selection during
goat domestication, including loci related to pigmentation, xenobiotic
metabolism, and milk production (5, 6);
however, the evolutionary dynamics of key genes involved in adaptation
during the early phase of domestication remain unclear.
Goat domestication is believed to have begun ~11,000 years ago from a mosaic of wild bezoar populations (Capra aegagrus) (2, 6). However, other wild Capra species are widely distributed and many of them can hybridize with domestic goats (7–9).
Their contribution to the goat domestication process remains
unexplored. Introgression of adaptive variants has been widely
recognized as a notable evolutionary phenomenon in humans (10), sheep (11), and cattle (12),
and it may be particularly effective for increasing fitness without
negative pleiotropic effects as demonstrated in other species (13).
Here, we conducted a comprehensive population genomic survey of modern
goat populations distributed across the world, six wild Capra
species, and previously published ancient goat genomes to investigate
temporal shifts in key genetic variants under selection during goat
Population structure and origin of domestic goats
We sequenced 101 Capra
genomes (coverage, 3 to 47 times; average, 12 times), including 88
domestic goats collected from three different continents, one bezoar,
one Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), three Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica), three Markhors (Capra falconeri), one West Caucasian tur (Capra caucasica), and four Nubian ibex × domestic goat hybrids (Capra nubiana × C. hircus) (Fig. 1A and text S1). We also sequenced five ancient goat samples at ~0.04 to 13.44 times coverage (Fig. 1A and text S1), including the earliest known Chinese archaeological samples from the Neolithic time period (14). Together with the publicly available genomic sequences for modern goat and bezoar (table S1) (5, 15), as well as ancient genomes from (table S4) (6), we compiled a worldwide collection of 164 modern domestic goats, 52 ancient goats, 24 modern bezoars, and 4 ancient bezoars.
A whole-genome neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree
reveals that all domestic goats form a monophyletic sister lineage to
bezoars (Fig. 1B and fig. S4), confirming that modern domestic goats are the descendants of bezoar-like ancestors (16). The other four wild Capra species (C. ibex, C. sibirica, C. falconeri, and C. caucasica), which are referred to as the ibex-like species (17), fall exclusively in another branch divergent from bezoar-goat (Fig. 1B
and fig. S4). Principal components analysis (PCA) shows that the three
bezoar populations, which were collected in the Middle East (Fig. 1A) near the domestication center (2, 18), are structured and cluster corresponding to their geographic origins (Fig. 1C). Within domestic goats, PCA and model-based clustering (k = 3) show that Asian goats are genetically distinct from European (EUR) and African (AFR) samples (Fig. 1, D and E). At k = 6, Asian goats further split into two geographic subgroups: Southwest Asia–South Asia (SWA-SAS) and East Asia (EAS) (Fig. 1E).
This geographic structure is also supported by TreeMix (fig. S8) and
haplotype-based statistics (fig. S9), in agreement with the scenario
that the ancestors of present-day domestic goat populations followed
distinct dispersal routes along the east-west axis of Afro-Eurasia (Fig. 2A and table S6) (4).
This dispersal scenario was further supported by the observation that
populations far from the domestication center (non-SWA) had elevated
linkage disequilibrium and reduced genetic diversity (fig. S10).
Our demographic analyses using multiple sequentially Markovian coalescent (MSMC), SMC++, and ∂a∂i
indicate that the divergence times between modern Asian and European
goat populations predated the archaeologically estimated domestication
time (~11,000 years ago) (fig. S12 and text S2). In addition, D
statistics revealed that the bezoars from Zagros display higher genetic
affinity to eastern domestic populations, whereas the bezoars in
Azerbaijan show higher affinity to western domestic populations (Fig. 2B
and fig. S15A). Therefore, the deep coalescence times found between
east-west population pairs can be explained by their origin in
structured ancestral bezoar populations (6) or by postdomestication recruitment from different local bezoar populations.
Gene flow from ibex-like species to predomestication bezoars and modern goats
statistics reveal that all four ibex-like species have significant
signals of allele sharing with ancient and modern goats, indicative of
admixture (Fig. 2C and table S8). We then examined this genome-wide pattern of admixture between ibex-like species and domestic goats using D
statistics and identity by state in 20-kb sliding windows. We further
verified candidate introgressed regions using Sprime and maximum
likelihood (ML) phylogenetic trees. Using a conservative criterion
(namely, only keeping putative introgressed haplotypes with a frequency
higher than 0.1 in goats), we identified 112 genomic segments
overlapping with 81 protein-coding genes with signatures of
introgression from ibex-like species (Fig. 2D,
fig. S16, and data file S1). A Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
(KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis for these genes shows that the most
significantly enriched category is amoebiasis (hypergeometric test,
adjusted P < 5.28 × 10−3: table S10), which is related to parasite invasion and immunosuppression, including four genes (SERPINB3, SERPINB4, CD1B, and COL4A4). Three additional genes (BPI, MAN2A1, and CD2AP) are also involved in immune function (19–21).
In these segments, we observed a pronounced signature of putatively
introgressed alleles from the West Caucasian tur (fig. S17), consistent
with this species showing the greatest genome-wide allele sharing with
domestic goats (Fig. 2C).
investigating the history of West Caucasian tur admixture, we found
that the West Caucasian tur shared more alleles with all four
predomesticated bezoars (an Armenian bezoar dating to >47,000 years
ago and three Anatolian bezoars dating to ~13,000 years ago) and
especially Armenian bezoar, compared to present-day bezoars and
domesticates (Fig. 2E). Further f3 statistics in the form of f3
(modern bezoar, West Caucasian tur; target) support gene flow from the
West Caucasian tur to ancient Armenian bezoar (table S9). Together with
the fact that three predomestication Anatolian bezoars had a tur-like
mitochondrial haplotype (6),
our results provide evidence for a predomestication admixture event of
bezoar with a tur-like species. This ancient admixture event is further
supported by TreeMix analyses (fig. S8C) and the close geographical
proximity between the West Caucasian tur and the ancient Armenian
bezoar, with both being, in turn, closer to the goat domestication
center than any other living ibex-like species (Fig. 2A).
Although all modern goat genomes suggest admixture with tur, Neolithic
Balkan and modern EUR and AFR goats show more allele sharing with tur
compared to Asian goats (fig. S15B), probably because of their higher
genetic affinity with the ancient Armenian and Anatolian bezoars (Fig. 2E) (6).
Therefore, predomestication introgression from a tur-like species may
have contributed alleles to ancient bezoars and thereby early
domesticated goats and their derived modern populations.
one introgressed region on chromosome 29 has a nearly fixed
introgressed haplotype (frequency = 95.7%) in the modern worldwide
domestic goats (Fig. 2F and fig. S22A). This region contains one intact protein-coding gene, MUC6,
which encodes a gastrointestinally secreted mucin that forms a
protective glycoprotein coat involved in host innate immune responses to
the invasion of multiple gastrointestinal pathogens (22–24).
We searched for potential donor populations in our sequenced wild
caprid genomes. The haplotype network constructed with the nonrepeated
region of MUC6 shows that the most common domestic haplotype (MUC6D)
is similar to West Caucasian tur, differing by only one mutation, while
being different from the minor frequency haplotypes of domestic goats
and the common haplotype in bezoar (MUC6B) (Fig. 2G).
To further validate this introgression signal, we estimated the most
recent common ancestor of the divergent haplotypes and investigated
whether selection acting on either a de novo mutation or on standing
variation could possibly lead to the pattern in this region within
domestic goats. Coalescence time estimates (fig. S18A) and neutral
simulations (fig. S18B) suggest that the observed pattern of haplotype
differentiation is highly unlikely in the absence of interspecific gene
flow. Therefore, the nearly fixed MUC6D in goats was most likely introgressed from a lineage close to the West Caucasian tur, consistent with the genome-wide signal.
Domestication-mediated selection on immune and neural genes
identify key selective sweeps in goat domestication, we compared the
worldwide domestic goat populations with all 24 bezoars by estimating
pairwise genetic differentiation (FST), differences
in nucleotide diversity (π ln-ratio bezoar/domestic), and
cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity (XP-EHH) in 50-kb
sliding windows along the genome (figs. S19 and S20). We defined the
windows with significant values (Z test, P < 0.005) in all three statistics (FST
> 0.195, π ln-ratio > 0.395, and XP-EHH > 2.10) as putative
selective sweeps. After merging consecutive outlier windows, 105 unique
regions containing 403 protein-coding genes were identified (Fig. 3A
and data file S2). Eighteen of these regions have been identified in
previous domestication scans, including those associated to phenotypic
effects related to immunity, neural pathways or processes, pigmentation,
and productivity traits associated with milk composition and hair
characteristics (data file S2). The modest overlap with previous studies
is mainly due to differences in sample sets, selection scan
methodology, and different versions of the reference genome (text S3).
A KEGG analysis showed that 9 of the 14 significantly enriched pathways (hypergeometric test, adjusted P < 0.01) are immune related (hypergeometric test, adjusted P = 5 × 10−3 to 2.35 × 10−7) (Fig. 3B
and table S12), including influenza A, malaria, African
trypanosomiasis, natural killer cell–mediated cytotoxicity, measles,
herpes simplex infection, cytokine–cytokine receptor interaction,
hepatitis C, and adipocytokine signaling pathway. We surveyed the
literature and identified 40 additional genes with immune function
(table S13), obtaining a total of 41 regions that contain 77
immune-related genes. Among these, FST is particularly high in the MUC6 region, and we detected 16 missense single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutations showing FST > 0.88 in this gene (windowed FST = 0.89, π ln-ratio = 1.01, and XP-EHH = 5.25; Fig. 3C
and table S14). Two of the 16 missense mutations were predicted to be
deleterious, and these deleterious alleles occur at very low frequency
(mean = 0.038) in the domestic goat population (fig. S21). Overall, this
region contains 228 SNPs nearly fixed for the derived allele in modern
goats (frequency > 95%, absent in bezoars) accounting for 93.8% of
such variants in the whole genome (a total of 243, data file S3),
illustrating the singular nature of this selection signal.
selection enrichment analysis furthermore pinpoints 12 genes involved
in neuroactive ligand–receptor interaction (hypergeometric test,
adjusted P = 3.70 × 10−5). We observed an additional
37 genes linked to other functions in the nervous system that were
under selection during goat domestication (table S15). One genomic
region located on chromosome 15 shows the strongest combined signal of
selection (FST = 0.90, π ln-ratio = 3.20, and XP-EHH = 8.09) (Fig. 3A). Evidence for large negative Tajima’s D
values, high composite likelihood ratio (CLR) scores, and extensive
haplotype sharing in domestic goats all suggest strong positive
selection at this locus (Fig. 3D
and fig. S22B). This locus contains 15 SNPs almost fixed for the
derived allele in domestic goats and harbors two protein-coding genes, STIM1 and RRM1 (data file S3). STIM1 is an endoplasmic reticulum calcium sensor involved in regulating Ca2+ and metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling in the neural system (25, 26).
It is known for its role in modulating the excitability of Purkinje
neurons in the cerebellum, which play a key role in motor learning and
the integration of sensory-motor information (27). RRM1
encodes ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit, an enzyme
essential for the production of deoxyribonucleotides, and influences
sensitivity to valproic acid–induced neural tube defects in mice (28). Hence, we hypothesize that this strongly selected locus may be related to neural function and/or behavior.
Introgressed MUC6 plays a role in pathogen resistance
The MUC6 region constitutes the only intersection between the selection and introgression scans. In sheep and cattle, MUC6 is associated with gastrointestinal parasite resistance (29, 30).
The results of transcriptome sequencing, quantitative real-time
polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and immunohistochemistry revealed that
MUC6 is specifically expressed in the abomasum and duodenum of goat (Fig. 4A
and fig. S23). Structurally, MUC6 has a high and variable number of
tandem repeats (VNTRs) rich in Pro, Thr, and Ser residues, which can
influence the covalent attachment of O-glycans (31). We therefore used PacBio SMRT transcriptome sequencing to investigate the difference between the MUC6D and MUC6B
at the transcriptional level. Besides a number of small indels, an
82–amino acid deletion containing three copies of VNTR after the 2789th
amino acid was uniquely identified in MUC6D compared to MUC6B (figs. S24 and S25). The different number of VNTRs in these two haplotypes may influence the function of MUC6, which is key to the generation of gastrointestinal mucous gel (23, 32). To examine the potential difference of pathogen resistance of the MUC6D and MUC6B
variants, we carried out an epidemiological survey in a polymorphic
goat population. By evaluating fecal egg counts (FEC) for
gastrointestinal nematodes in 143 MUC6D/MUC6D, 111 MUC6D/MUC6B, and 14 MUC6B/MUC6B ewes at 13 months of age, we found that the goats carrying MUC6D/MUC6D exhibited lower FEC than those carrying the other two genotypes (Fig. 4B and data file S4), implying that the goats carrying MUC6D
might be more resistant to gastrointestinal nematodes. To control for
the genetic background, we also sequenced a subset of 117 animals to 5
average depth (data file S4). A genome-wide association analysis for FEC
by incorporation of principal component covariates and pairwise
relatedness found a strong association signal that contains MUC6 locus on chromosome 29 (42.77 to 51.33 Mb) (Fig. 4C). These results support that the introgressed MUC6D
in domestic goats is most likely under selection due to its advantage
in the host innate immune response toward potential gastrointestinal
pathogens (23).
The origin and diffusion of domestic STIM1-RRM1 and MUC6 alleles
in-depth genetic survey of ancient genomes throughout the Near East
revealed that two ancient Balkan goats dating to ~8100 years ago carried
STIM1-RRM1D (fig. S28 and data file S5). MUC6D
appeared later at ~7200 years ago in Southwest Iran (fig. S28 and data
file S6), a period characterized by an increased density of settlements
in the Fertile Crescent (33).
Herding goats at higher densities in a crowded and disease-prone
anthropogenic environment would likely have exerted an increased
selective pressure for livestock pathogen resistance (34). The first detected ancient animals having STIM1-RRM1D or MUC6D
both carry mitochondrial haplogroup A, although this mitochondrial
haplogroup had a low frequency and narrow distribution before 7500 years
ago (6). By ~6500 years ago, the frequency of the STIM1-RRM1D and MUC6D increased to ~60% in the Near East (Fig. 5A) and spread to China ~3900 years ago (Fig. 5B), concomitant with the consolidation and diffusion of livestock-based economies throughout Eurasia (35, 36).
The expansion of these two selected loci was also contemporaneous with
the overwhelming spread of mitochondrial haplogroup A. In contrast, the
frequencies of the two major Y-chromosome haplogroups remained
relatively unchanged over time (Fig. 5B).
The present study generated genomic data from a substantial number of domestic and wild Capra
species to characterize adaptive introgression and genetic changes
during goat domestication. Collectively, both the selective sweep
enrichment analyses and the two outstanding selection signals found in MUC6 and STIM1-RRM1 in domestic goats are consistent with the hypothesis that genes related to pathogen resistance (37) and behavior have been particularity targeted during goat domestication.
studies have shown that adaptive introgression can provide beneficial
alleles that allow the recipient populations to adapt to new
environments (12, 38, 39).
In humans, immune-related loci acquired substantially advantageous
alleles by immigrant modern humans admixing with archaic humans who were
probably well adapted to local environments and pathogens through their
long exposure to them (40–42).
We here report numerous genomic segments putatively introgressed from
an ibex-like species. These introgressed segments are enriched in genes
with an immune function, suggesting that historic gene flow from wild
species played an important role in shaping the diversity of immune
system phenotypes in domestic goat and possibly increased its adaptive
potential. When comparing the set of putatively introgressed alleles in
each segment to our sampled ibex-like genomes, we find that most match
rates range from 0.5 to 0.8 (fig. S17), indicating the degree of
similarity between the introgressing and our sequenced ibex-like
individuals. Additional wild Capra genome sequences in the
future may clarify the origin of these alleles, although it is also
possible that the introgression came from a now extinct branch on the Capra tree.
particular, a number of lines of evidence support that gene flow
between West Caucasian tur and goats occurred before the onset of
domestication. The West Caucasian tur is distributed around the Black
Sea coast (Fig. 2A),
geographically close to the goat domestication center. It inhabits a
humid, subtropical environment where the expected pathogen exposure and
parasite load may be considerably higher than in more arid regions of
Southwest Asia. The rigorous identification of introgression segments in
domestic goats shows that the nearly fixed MUC6D
was introgressed from a West Caucasian tur-like species. Although the
earliest sign of introgression from West Caucasian tur is old
(>47,000 years ago), we did not find the MUC6D in
ancient and modern sampled bezoars. Two possibilities can explain this
observation. First, given the pervasive gene flow between different Capra species (8, 9, 43),
we cannot rule out the possibility of multiple introgression from
ibex-like species before and after goat domestication. Second, because
of the scarcity of ancient and modern bezoars, it may be that the
introgressed variants were segregating at low frequencies in these
populations. Nonetheless, our results indicate that the introgression of
advantageous MUC6D might enhance innate immune reactivity against potential gastrointestinal pathogens under a grazing agro-ecological niche (44) with previously unknown infectious disease pressures.
dataset including several ancient goat samples allowed us to
tentatively track the emergence and spread of the advantageous variants
in these two important domestication loci (Fig. 5). The first occurrences of the STIM1-RRM1D and MUC6D
locus coincided with the otherwise rare mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
haplogroup A, and the three increased in frequency roughly concurrently (Fig. 5A),
becoming nearly fixed in modern goat populations. These results suggest
that the global diffusion of variations central to the domestication
process was possibly mediated by a subset of female goats carrying the
mtDNA haplogroup A. Despite this, modern goat populations remain
differentiated from each other. The most likely explanation we can think
of is that even Neolithic goat husbandry entailed some kind of breeding
strategy under which immigrant matrilines containing globally
advantageous alleles were deliberately crossbred with local populations,
which probably carried local genetic adaptations, rather than simply
replacing local populations.
Overall, our results
provide evidence for adaptive introgression and the genetic basis of
selected traits during the domestication of goats. We highlight that
livestock domestication is a dynamic evolutionary process, with adaptive
leaps driven by introgression and selection. Our results indicate that
domestication may have profound impacts on neural traits and pathogen
resistance, which helped manage herds to adapt to an anthropogenic
Sample collection
We collected 106 samples including 88 domestic goats (C. hircus), one bezoar (C. aegagrus), three Markhors (C. falconeri), three Siberian ibex (C. sibirica), one Alpine ibex (C. ibex), one West Caucasian tur (C. caucasica), five ancient goats spanning from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, and four Nubian ibex hybrids (C. nubiana × C. hircus)
for whole-genome sequencing. Among them, the Nubian ibex hybrids offer a
potential source for determining whether the introgressed haplotypes
could originate from the Nubian ibex or closely related ibex. All
procedures involving sample collection were approved by the Northwest
A&F University Animal Care Committee (permit number: NWAFAC1019),
making all efforts to minimize invasiveness. The C. caucasica
(tooth) sample was obtained from a zoo specimen donated to Ménagerie du
Jardin des Plantes in 1976 of unknown provenance (wild or captive-born)
but with no evidence of recent admixture (text S1). The individual died
in 1982 and was subsequently sampled by the Muséum National d’Histoire
Naturelle (MNHN, sample ID MNHN ZM AC 1982-1092). In addition, we also
obtained whole-genome data and their geographical coordinates of the
sampling sites from previous studies (5, 15). Details of the samples used in this study are given in tables S1 to S4.
DNA extraction and sequencing
modern samples, genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood using the
standard phenol-chloroform method and checked for quality and quantity
on the Qubit 2.0 fluorometer (Invitrogen). Library construction for
resequencing was performed with 1 to 3 μg of genomic DNA using standard
library preparation protocols and insert sizes from 300 to 500 base pair
(bp). All libraries were sequenced on either the Illumina HiSeq 2500 or
X Ten platforms.
For the historical sample (C. caucasica),
tooth pulverization, DNA extraction, and Illumina sequencing library
preparation were performed in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland as
described in (6).
The double-stranded DNA sequencing library was constructed without
uracil-DNA glycosylase treatment. The sample library was then sequenced
using a HiSeq 2500 platform (single end, 1 × 101 bp). Details on the
processing of five ancient samples are described in the Supplementary
Read alignment and variant calling
reads from all individuals were aligned to the latest goat reference
genome by the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA v0.7.15). To obtain
high-quality SNPs, we carried out SNP calling and genotyping at two
separate stages. Variants were found on a population scale (without
outgroup argali Ovis ammon) using a SAMtools model implemented in the analysis of next-generation sequencing data (ANGSD) (45)
with “-only_proper_pairs 1 -uniqueOnly 1 -remove_bads 1 -minQ 20
-minMapQ 30 -C 50 -doMaf 1 -doMajorMinor 1 -GL 1 -setMinDepth
[Total_read_depth/3] -setMaxDepth [Total_read_depth*3] -doCounts 1
-dosnpstat 1 -SNP_pval 1.” The sites that could be called in at least
90% of the samples and had a strand bias score below 90% were retained. A
P value threshold of 1 × 10−6 and minor allele frequency value > 1/2n were used as SNP discovery criteria, where n
was the sample size. We also kept the sites at which the sampled
individuals were homozygous for the alternative alleles. To obtain the
hard-called genotypes in all Capra species and outgroups, we used a workflow adapted from GATK v3.7.0 HaplotypeCaller (46)
best practice. Briefly, the genome variants, in genomic variant call
format (gVCF) for each sample, were identified with the HaplotypeCaller.
After all the gVCF files were merged, a raw population genotype file
with the SNPs and indels was created. Optional variant hard filter
values were applied for SNPs using GATK VariantFiltration as Quality by
Depth (QD) < 2.0, root mean square of Mapping Quality (MQ) < 40.0,
Fisher Strand (FS) > 60.0, HaplotypeScore >13.0, and MQRankSum ≤
12.5. Last, only biallelic SNPs identified by both GATK and ANGSD that
all show no more than 10% missing data were extracted using VCFtools
v0.1.15 (47)
with “--min-alleles 2 --max-alleles 2 --max-missing 0.9.” Then, all
sample sets of filtered variant calls were used for imputation and
phasing using Beagle v4.1 (48, 49) with default parameters, except for “niterations,” which was set to 10.
retrieve the nucleotides that were accessible to variant discovery
(used in the demographic estimation), hard filtering of the invariant
sites was carried out with thresholds based on sequencing coverage
(one-third– to threefold of corresponding mean depth) and missing data
rate (no more than 10%) following the same strategies adopted for
variant sites.
Population structure and phylogenetic analysis
tree was constructed for the whole-genome SNP set (table S5) using MEGA
v6.0 based on pairwise genetic distances matrix calculated by PLINK
v1.9. We also made use of the 5,043,096 fourfold degenerate sites to
build an ML tree using RAxML v8.2.9. PCA was performed using smartpca,
part of the EIGENSOFT v6.1. A Tracy-Widom test was used to determine the
significance level of the eigenvectors. ADMIXTURE was used to perform
an unsupervised clustering analysis. We increased the number of
predefined genetic clusters from k = 2 to k = 7 and ran the analysis 20 times for each k.
We further compared the individual-level haplotype similarity using
fineSTRUCTURE v2.1.3. TreeMix v1.12 was also used to infer a
population-level phylogeny using the ML approach.
Demographic reconstruction
infer patterns of effective population size and population separations
over historical time, we used MSMC2, using the statistically phased
autosomal genotypes. We also used the SMC++, which does not rely on
haplotype phase information. In addition, we calculated the likelihood
of the observed site frequency spectrum conditioned on several
demographic models using ∂a∂i (fig. S13). For the best
model, nonparametric bootstrapping (100 replicates) was performed to
determine the variance of each parameter (fig. S14 and table S7). To
obtain reliable time estimates, we used a phylogenetic comparison (50) of goat and sheep (Ovis aries) to calibrate the mutation rate for goats. Using an average generation time of 2 years for goats (51), we estimated a mutation rate of 4.32 × 10−9 per site per generation, which is similar to that obtained in (52).
Gene flow analysis
We computed f3 statistics and D
statistics to formally test hypotheses of gene flow. To identify
regions introgressed into modern domestic goats from ibex-like species,
we calculated D statistics using nonoverlapping 20-kb sliding windows across the genome. Windows within top 5% of the D
statistics were considered as outliers and were further examined. An
introgressed segment should have low sequence divergence to the putative
donor species, whereas sequence divergence between the donor species
and bezoar should be higher. Therefore, we also calculated the identity
by state distance matrix of the outlier regions using ANGSD. Differences
in sequence divergence were determined by a t test–based approach using a P
value of 0.01 as cutoff. The windows which passed the above two
filtering steps were merged as the significantly diverged regions.
We then applied Sprime (53)
for investigating whether introgression can explain the significantly
diverged regions. The first step of Sprime is to read the phased
genotypes of the target and outgroup individuals. The outgroup is a
population that is closely related to the ancestor(s) of the target
population but that is not expected to have experienced admixture from
ibex-like species that contributed to the target population. The 24
modern bezoars are used as the outgroup population, although they may
themselves contain introgressed sequence from ibex-like species. This
may lead to the occurrence of false negatives but will minimize the risk
of false positives. We consider this an acceptable trade-off given our
objective. Sprime first groups variants into three classes: those common
in the outgroup, those not seen in the outgroup, and those uncommon but
present in the outgroup. The threshold frequency used to distinguish
common versus uncommon variants is 0.01 (53)
for the analyses presented here. The common alleles (those with
frequency > 0.01 in 24 modern bezoars) are excluded from further
consideration because these variants in domestic goats are more likely
inherited from their wild progenitor (bezoar). We assumed a score
threshold of 150,000 (53) and a mutation rate of 4.32 × 10−9
per site per generation to identify introgressed alleles in domestic
goat genomes. The next step is to find putatively introgressed segments
(i.e., sets of alleles) for each significantly diverged region. We
process one region at a time and find the set of alleles with the
highest score. These comprise the putative introgressed segment. The
segment boundaries were defined by the position of first and last
introgressed alleles. We consider only segments with at least 100
putatively introgressed alleles that are of nonbezoar origin. To
determine whether a target individual carries the introgressed
haplotype, at least 50% of introgressed alleles must be found in that
haplotype. We primarily focus on the most common introgressed regions
(i.e., introgressed haplotype frequency > 0.1) from ibex-like species
to domestic goats.
We further checked the introgression
status by constructing ML trees with MEGA v6.0 and searching for
domestic goats located within the ibex-like clade (fig. S16). For each
region, we also reported a match if the genotype of ibex like species
included the putative introgressed allele and a mismatch otherwise. The
match rate was calculated as the number of matches divided by the number
of compared sites (matches and mismatches) (fig. S17). Note that the
match rate should not imply that the sampled ibex-like genomes represent
the direct source population(s), but the degree of similarity between
the introgressing and sampled ibex-like species.
Selective sweep analysis
screened for sweeps selected during goat domestication by parsing
specific 50-kb windows that showed low diversity in domestic goats and
had high divergence (a high fixation index, FST, and haplotype differences, XP-EHH) between domestic goats and wild goats. After calculating all tests, the windows with P
values less than 0.005 (Z test) were considered significant signals.
Candidate genes under selection were defined as those overlapped by
sweep regions or within 20 kb of the signals. Two additional statistics,
the Tajima’s D and CLR test were applied to confirm the top signals.
Functional enrichment analyses
characterized the most relevant functions of the protein-coding genes
overlapping with the introgressed regions and selective sweeps by
searching for overrepresented KEGG pathways. Goat protein sequences were
used to conduct functional enrichment tests on the target genes using
the KOBAS 3.0 server (54). The P
value was calculated using a hypergeometric distribution. False
discovery rate (FDR) correction was performed to adjust for multiple
testing. Pathways with an FDR-corrected P value of <0 .01="" and="" considered="" enriched="" p="" s10="" s12="" significantly="" statistically="" tables="" were="">0>
Genotyping loci underlying domestication in ancient genomes
To investigate the genotypes of the STIM1-RRM1 and MUC6 loci in ancient samples, we used a total of 243 SNPs (15 SNPs within STIM1-RRM1 locus and 228 SNPs within MUC6
locus, respectively), which showed derived allele frequency > 0.95
in 164 modern domestic goats (defined as domestic haplotypes: STIM1-RRM1D and MUC6D)
and was absent in 24 modern bezoars and 4 ancient bezoars (Hovk1,
Direkli1-2, Direkli6, and Direkli5) (defined as bezoar haplotypes: STIM1-RRM1B and MUC6B).
Because of the low coverage for some ancient genomes, we used allele
reads count at SNP positions to determine the genotypes of ancient goats
at STIM1-RRM1 locus and MUC6 locus. For each
ancient goat and SNP, we determined the numbers of reads corresponding
to the ancestral and derived allele using GATK v3.7.0 UnifiedGenotyper
(--min_base_quality_score 15--output_mode EMIT_ALL_SITES
--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling 20) (46).
For each locus in each ancient goat, we calculated the proportion of
the summed derived allele reads count versus total allele reads count.
If the proportion was lower than 10%, the genotype of ancient goat was
considered to be homozygous for ancestral allele (bezoar like). The
genotype was set to heterozygous if the proportion was between 10 and
90%. If the proportion was more than 90%, it was classified as
homozygous for derived allele (domestic like). We set the genotype to be
missing when the ancient goats only had one single informative read
(mapping to the predefined SNPs) mapped to the locus.
Expression and epidemiologic survey related to MUC6 locus
qPCR analysis. Total
RNA was extracted using goat tissues from gastrointestinal tract
(including abomasum, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and caecum) using Eastep
Super Total RNA Extraction Kit (Promega, Shanghai, China). Complementary
DNA was generated via PrimerScript RT Reagent Kit with genomic DNA
Eraser (Perfect Real Time) (TaKaRa, Beijing, China). qPCR analysis was
performed with FastStart Universal SYBR Green Master (Roche, Shanghai,
China) on a Bio-Rad instrument. MUC6 primers (forward primer:
5′-CAGCCAGGACAAAATCATGA-3′ and reverse primer:
5′-CTCTGGTCTGGCCTCTGAAC-3′) were designed using National Center for
Biotechnology Information Primer-BLAST ( GAPDH
(forward primer: 5′-ACACCCTCAAGATTGTCAGC-3′ and reverse primer:
5′-ATAAGTCCCTCCACGATGC-3′) was used as internal reference. Gene
expression results were calculated using the delta-delta cycle threshold
(2−ΔΔCT) method.
Immunohistochemistry analysis. For
histological analysis, dissected goat tissues (abomasum pyloric and
duodenal bulb) were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and embedded in
paraffin for sectioning (5 μm thick). The tissues sections were
deparaffinized, and rehydration was followed by antigen retrieval using a
citrate-buffered solution in a microwave at 100°C for 15 min. After
cooling down to room temperature, quenching of endogenous peroxidase,
and protein block, the sections were treated with a primary antibody
(cat. no. D161001, Sangon Biotech, Shanghai, China) overnight at 4°C.
Negative control sections were obtained by incubating with the primary
antibody diluted buffer. Subsequently, the secondary antibody (cat. no.
D110058, Sangon Biotech, Shanghai, China) was used to detect primary
antibody. Specific protein immunoreactivity was visualized with the
substrate chromogen 3,3′- diaminobenzidine. Last, the slides were rinsed
in water, counterstained with hematoxylin, and mounted with coverslips.
Full-length transcript sequencing. To determine the sequence differences between the domestic (MUC6D) and bezoar (MUC6B) MUC6 haplotypes, total RNA was isolated from the abomasum pyloric with high expression of MUC6
from two heterozygous goats and sequenced by PacBio Sequel. Pacbio
SMRTbell libraries were sequenced on two separate SMRT cells (Annoroad
Gene Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing, China). A total of 23,338,976
subreads were generated with a mean accuracy of 80% and an average
length of 1755 nt. High-quality circular consensus sequences (CCSs) were
obtained using the Iso-Seq 3 application in the PacBio SMRT Analysis
v6.0.0 (,
with parameters “--noPolish --minPasses 1.” Last, we got a total of
960,271 CCSs. These CCSs were aligned to the latest goat reference
genome using Minimap2 (55), and we picked out 251 CCSs that mapped to the MUC6 mRNA sequence. We used the CCS that belonged to the bezoar haplotype to manually assemble the mRNA sequence of the MUC6B. Then, we realigned the MUC6B mRNA sequence to MUC6D mRNA sequence (XM_018042766.1) by MEGA v6.0 and carefully checked the indels. The abundance of tandem repeats in MUC6 (XP_017898255.1) was examined by using the rapid automatic detection and alignment of repeat finding program ( (56). Three major types of repeat units with distinct sequence features were observed. We detected a 246-bp insertion in the MUC6B
mRNA sequence located at the 32nd exon, containing three copies of type
III units between the 2789th amino acid and the 2871th amino acid (fig.
S24). We further validated this insertion by aligning short reads from
West Caucasian tur to the MUC6B mRNA sequences (fig. S25).
Test population. To further test the genotype-phenotype associations, we first examined the genotypes at the MUC6
locus using blood samples from breeding rams from a company located in
Inner Mongolia, China. This company runs more than 9000 cashmere goats,
mainly for superfine cashmere (fiber diameter < 14 μm). The animals
are dewormed routinely with oxfendazole, ivermectin, avermectin, and
levamisole three times annually. Of the 20 tested breeding rams, we
identified 4 animals with MUC6D/MUC6B
genotype. We sampled their offspring partly on the basis of the
breeding records. Blood samples of 495 animals were collected in January
Genotypic and phenotypic analysis. DNA was extracted from the blood samples. The MUC6
locus was genotyped by PCR (forward primer: 5′-CAGCACTATCTCCCATACATC-3′
and reverse primer: 5′-GTGGAGCTGAGCTGACACTT-3′) and Sanger sequencing.
The frequency of MUC6B was 17.3% (n = 338 MUC6D/MUC6D, n = 143 MUC6D/MUC6B, and n = 14 MUC6B/MUC6B).
genotyping, we collected fresh fecal samples from a subset of 268
animals from the rectum in April 2019, a time when gastrointestinal
nematodes numbers were anticipated to be elevated. The gastrointestinal
parasitic infestations were examined using the McMaster’s technique as
described in (57).
Briefly, 2 g of fecal samples were transferred into a container, and 60
ml of saturated sodium chloride was added. The suspension was
thoroughly stirred with a glass stick and poured through a strainer
(80-mesh screen) into the new container. The container with the
suspension was closed tightly and carefully inverted several times.
Then, the suspension was taken up from the container to fill the glass
plate with two McMaster counting chambers. The size of the counting
chamber was 10 mm by 10 mm by 1.5 mm. The nematode eggs were then
counted under microscopic observation at ×100 magnification. Observed
nematodes in the feces included the common abomasal and intestinal goat
nematodes: Hemonchus contortus and Nematodirus sp. (fig. S26).
The number of nematodes eggs per gram (EPG) was calculated according to the following formula: EPG = (n1 + n2)/2 ÷ 0.15 × 60 ÷ 2, where (n1 + n2)/2
is the average number of eggs per chamber, 0.15 is the effective volume
(milliliters) for counting chamber, 60 is the total volume
(milliliters) of suspension, 2 is the weight (grams) of feces examined.
EPG was measured on three replicates of each fecal sample, and the
average of the three replicates was used for analysis.
Data analysis. The
average fecal nematode egg counts were not normally distributed;
therefore, we used Wilcoxon rank sum test to test the null hypothesis
that there was no association between genotype and phenotype.
Genome-wide association study. To have more even representation of sampling of the three genotypes, we used 10 MUC6B/MUC6B samples and randomly chose 46 MUC6B/MUC6D and 61 MUC6D/MUC6D
for whole-genome sequencing (data file S4). The 117 individuals were
sequenced at approximately fivefold genome coverage using BGISEQ-500
platform. SNP calling and estimation of genotype likelihoods were
performed in ANGSD using the following settings: “-baq 1 -C 50
-only_proper_pairs 1 -uniqueOnly 1 -remove_bads 1 -minQ 20 -minMapQ 25
-doMaf 1 -minInd 106 -skipTriallelic 1 -doMajorMinor 1 -GL 1
-setMinDepth 250 -setMaxDepth 1,000 -doCounts 1 -doGlf 2 -SNP_pval
1e-6.” To correct for population stratification and cryptic relatedness,
we adopted genotype likelihood–based approaches implemented in PCAngsd
v0.973 (58)
to perform PCA and estimate pairwise relatedness by supplying the
following options: “-kinship -inbreed 2 -minMaf 0.05.” Beagle v3.3.2 (48) was used to convert the genotype likelihoods to actual genotypes. Only sites for which the allelic R2 (larger values of allelic R2
indicate more accurate genotype imputation) was >0.95 were retained.
The imputed genotype dataset was converted to tped/tfam format using
PLINK v1.9. A total of 12.47 million high-quality SNPs (minor allele
frequency > 0.05, using whole-genome sequencing data alone) were used
to perform genome-wide association study in EMMAX (59)
software by incorporation of the first three principal component
covariates (fig. S27, A and B) and kinship matrix. The phenotype was
rank-transformed to normality (Shapiro-Wilk test, P = 0.02228) to counteract departures from normality (fig. S27C).
genome-wide critical value was determined by permutation: The phenotype
data were permuted 200 times; for each permutated phenotype, a
genome-wide association analysis was conducted and the genome-wide
lowest P value was recorded. We then took the 5% lowest tail from the 200 recoded minimal P values as the threshold for genome-wide significance (P = 2.257−8). The Manhattan and quantile-quantile plots (fig. S27D) were generated using the R package CMplot (
Supplementary material for this article is available at
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, so long as the resultant use is not for commercial advantage and provided the original work is properly cited.
Acknowledgments: We
thank members of the NextGen project for sharing data. We thank L.
Mohammed for providing Nubian ibex hybrid blood samples. We thank
High-Performance Computing (HPC) of NWAFU for providing computing
resources. Funding: This project was supported by
grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31822052
and 31572381 to Y.J. and 31572369 to Y.Ch.), the Talents Team
Construction Fund of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU) and
Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS (XDB13000000) to W.W., a DFF
Sapere Aude grant to R.H., and the Tang Scholar at Northwest A&F
University (NWAFU) to Xiaolong Wang. The Chinese Government contribution
to CAAS-ILRI Joint Laboratory on Livestock and Forage Genetic Resources
in Beijing (2018-GJHZ-01) is appreciated. Author contributions:
Y.J. and Y.Ch. conceived the project and designed the research. Z.Z.,
M.L., and Xihong Wang performed most of the analysis with contributions
from Z.Y., Y.L., Y.Ca., Q.C., J.Li., K.W., X.P., Y.W., S.H., M.G., T.Z.,
Y.Z., Y.G., Y.X., N.X., and Y.Y. Xiaolong Wang, W.Z., J.H., L.Ch.,
A.E., and M.O. prepared the modern DNA samples. J.Le. provided the
historical sample of West Caucasian tur. D.C. prepared the ancient
samples. Xihong Wang, Z.Z., Y.J., and M.L. drafted the manuscripts with
input from all authors. Y.J., W.W., R.H., G.Z., K.G.D., D.G.B., L.Co.,
and T.S.S. revised the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability:
All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in
the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional data related
to this paper may be requested from the authors. Individual genome
sequence data are available at the Sequence Read Archive ( under accession codes PRJNA387635 and PRJNA361447.
- Copyright © 2020 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).
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