domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2014


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The ranges are available as a single data set (shapefile) for all mammals or broken out into smaller data sets as shapefiles. The ranges are broken out by grouping families containing predominantly marine and terrestrial species.
The terrestrial file includes all mammals, excluding species in the families Otariidae, Phocidae and Odobenidae (i.e. all seals, sea lions and walrus), Balaenidae, Balaenopteridae, Delphinidae, Eschrichtidae, Iniidae, Monodontidae, Neobalaenidae, Phocoenidae, Physteridae, Platanistidae, and Ziphiidae (all whales, dolphins and porpoises), and everything in the Order Sirenia (manatees and dugongs). The latter families are included in the Marine shapefile.
All Mammals - 2013 (zip file, 706.8 MB)
Mammals - Terrestrial (zip file, 337 MB)
Mammals - Marine (zip file, 55.4 MB)
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status (note that there are more species in this list than are mapped and the list does not include subspecies or subpopulations). The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Threatened mammal richness (number of species)

Source: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2012


The ranges are available as a single data set (shapefile) for all amphibians or broken out into smaller shapefiles by amphibian Order: Anura, Caudata and Gymnophiona.
All Amphibians - 2013 (zip file, 107 MB)
Amphibians - Anura (zip file, 198 MB)
Amphibians - Caudata (zip file, 20 MB)
Amphibians - Gymnophiona (zip file, 1 MB)
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
Amphibians - higher taxonomy and Red List status (note that there are more species in this list than are mapped). The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Threatened amphibian richness (number of species)
Source: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2012


The ranges are available as a single data set (shapefile) for all warm water reef-building corals or broken out into smaller shapefiles by grouping families as follows:
All Corals - 2012 (zip file, 2 GB)
Reef-building Corals 1 (zip file, 814 MB) contains species in the Order Scleractinia covering the families Acroporidae, Agariciidae, Astrocoeniidae, Caryophylliidae, Dendrophylliidae, Euphyllidae, and Faviidae.
Reef-building Corals 2 (zip file, 319 MB) contains species in the Order Scleractinia covering the families Fungiidae, Meandrinidae, Merulinidae, Oculinidae, Mussidae, Oculinidae, Pectiniidae, Pocilloporidae, Poritidae, Rhizangiidae, and Siderastreidae.
Reef-building Corals 3 (zip file, 41.5 MB) contains the species in the orders Stolonifera, Helioporacea and Milleporina covering the Families Helioporidae, Milleporidae, and Tubiporidae.
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
Reef-building Corals - higher taxonomy and Red List status. The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Threatened coral richness (number of species)
Source: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2012


The ranges are available as a single data set for all (shapefile) reptiles that have currently been assessed globally and comprehensively and as a separate set for the sea-snakes (includes the true sea-snakes, mud-snakes and file snake)
This currently includes, but is not limited to, all species endemic to the following regions: Canada, the United States and Mexico; the Seychelles; Europe; all of the Mediterranean (including North Africa), Caucasus, and Iran; and the Philippines. Further taxa will be added as assessment work is completed.
All reptiles - 2013 (zip file, 211 MB)
Sea-snakes (zip file, 52.4 MB)
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
Reptiles - higher taxonomy and Red List status (note that there are more species in this list than are mapped). The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:


BirdLife International is the IUCN Red Listing Authority for birds and maintains the most up to date information on global bird distributions. To request a copy of the shapefiles of species range maps for threatened birds, please visit the BirdLife Data Zone here.
Threatened bird richness (number of species)
Source: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2012

Marine Fish

The ranges are available as a single data set (Shapefile) for all Marine Fish species (families including Pomacanthidae, Chaetodontidae, Serranidae, Labridae, Acanthuridae, Albulidae, Elopidae).
All Marine Fish (zip file, 60.7 MB)
Angelfish (zip file, 60.7 MB)
Bonefishes and Tarpons (zip file, 33.8 MB)
Butterflyfish (zip file, 123 MB)
Groupers (zip file, 128 MB)
Labridae (zip file, 394 MB)
Surgeonfish, Tangs and Unicornfish (zip file, 169 MB)
Tunas and Billfishes (zip file, 188 MB)
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
All Marine Fish - higher taxonomy and Red List status. The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Angelfish - The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Bonefishes and Tarpons - The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink: .
Butterflyfish - The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Groupers - The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Labridae - The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Surgeonfish, Tangs and Unicornfish - The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:
Tunas and Billfishes - The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:


The ranges are available as a single data set (shapefile) for most plant species that considered to form part of the mangrove ecosystem.
Mangroves (zip file, 97.8 MB)
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
Mangroves - higher taxonomy and Red List status. The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:


The ranges are available as a single data set (shapefile) for all seagrass species.
Seagrasses (zip file, 52.4 MB)
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
Seagrasses - higher taxonomy and Red List status. The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:

  Sea Cucumbers

The ranges are available as a single data set (shapefile) for all commerical sea cucumber species.
Sea Cucumbers (zip file, 250 MB)
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
Sea Cucumbers - higher taxonomy and Red List status. The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:

 Cone Snails

The ranges are available as a single data set (shapefile) for all cone snail species.
Cone Snails (zip file, 415 MB)
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.
Cone Snails - higher taxonomy and Red List status. The list presented as a Red List search result with links to each species fact sheet can also be found by clicking on this permalink:


The hydroshed ranges are available as a single data set (geodatabase) which contain all the groups assessed within each region.
All Freshwater groups are produced by the Freshwater Biodiversity Unit.
 Eastern Himalayas (zip, 1 GB) - Eastern Himalaya Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment.
 Indo-Burma (zip, 3.2 GB) - Indo-Burma Freshwater Assessment.
 Pan-Africa (zip, 890 MB) - Pan-Africa Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment.
 Western Ghats (zip, 32.5 MB) - Western Ghasts Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment.
 Europe (zip, 361MB) - European Red List of Freshwater Fishes.
See metadata document (Oct. 2012) for further information.

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