sábado, 23 de março de 2019

520-Million-Year-Old Sea Monster Had 18 Mouth Tentacles

520-Million-Year-Old Sea Monster Had 18 Mouth Tentacles

A detailed fossil of the newly identified Daihua sanqiong.
Credit: Yang Zhao
A descoberta de um fóssil que mostra uma criatura marinha antiga com 18 tentáculos em torno de sua boca ajudou a resolver um mistério moderno sobre as origens de um carnívoro gelatinoso chamado pentes de gel, segundo um novo estudo.

O anteriormente desconhecido "monstro marinho", que os cientistas apelidaram de Daihua sanqiong, viveu um colossal 518 milhões de anos atrás no que hoje é a China. E o animal extinto compartilha uma série de características anatômicas com a geleia de pente moderna, uma pequena criatura marinha que usa as chamadas fileiras de pentes cheias de cílios parecidos com cabelos para nadar pelos oceanos.

The discovery suggests that this newfound species may be the comb jelly's distant relative, said study lead researcher Jakob Vinther, a paleobiologist at Bristol University in the United Kingdom. [Photos: Ancient Shrimp-Like Critter Was Tiny But Fierce]  

"Com os fósseis, nós pudemos descobrir de onde as geleias de pente bizarras se originaram", disse Vinther à Live Science. "Mesmo que agora possamos mostrar que eles vieram de um lugar muito sensato, isso não os torna menos estranhos".

Essa descoberta, no entanto, provocou um debate. Embora a descoberta de D. sanqiong seja impressionante, é difícil dizer se essa criatura antiga faz parte da linhagem que produzia geleias de pente, disse Casey Dunn, professor de ecologia e biologia evolutiva na Universidade de Yale, que não esteve envolvido no estudo. .

"Sou altamente cético em relação às conclusões que eles tiram", disse Dunn à Live Science.
A magnified shot of the rows of cilia on <i>Daihua sanqiong</i>, which suggest that it might be a distant relative of the modern comb jelly.

A magnified shot of the rows of cilia on Daihua sanqiong, which suggest that it might be a distant relative of the modern comb jelly.
Credit: Jakob Vinther
Vinther came across the D. sanqiong fossil while visiting colleagues at Yunnan University in China. The scientists there showed him a number of fossils in their collection, including the mysterious creature they later named Daihua sanqiong, which was discovered by study co-researcher Xianguang Hou, a paleobiologist at Yunnan University. The genus name honors the Dai tribe in Yunnan; "hua" means flower in Mandarin, and refers to the critter's flower-like shape.

On each of D. sanqiong's tentacles are fine, feather-like branches with rows of large ciliary hairs, which likely helped it catch prey. These hairs, according to Vinther, grabbed his attention "because we only find big cilia on comb jellies." To swim, comb jellies move their cilia, which then flicker in beautiful iridescent colors.
A living comb jelly, known as <i>Euplokamis</i>. The creature's rainbow iridescence is caused by the movement of the ciliary comb bands on the animal's body.

A living comb jelly, known as Euplokamis. The creature's rainbow iridescence is caused by the movement of the ciliary comb bands on the animal's body.
Credit: Photograph by Alexander Semenov
Moreover, the D. sanqiong fossil bears an intriguing resemblance to other known ancient animals, including Xianguangia, another ancient creature with 18 tentacles, and the tulip-like sea creatures Dinomischus and Siphusauctum.

"To make a long story short, we were able to reconstruct the whole [early] lineage of comb jellies," by doing anatomical comparisons, Vinther said. This is a big deal, because some scientists argue that these swimming carnivores were among the first animals to evolve on Earth, based on family trees analyses and genetic modeling of modern comb jellies. But now, this international team has possibly shown that comb jellies have a long lineage that precedes them, Vinther said.
This newly described lineage suggests that some of the ancestors of comb jellies had skeletons and that their ancient tentacles evolved into the combs with the densely packed cilia seen on comb jellies today.
An artist's illustration of <i>Daihua sanqiong</i>.
An artist's illustration of Daihua sanqiong.
Credit: Xiaodong Wang
The discovery also sheds light on where these ancient animals likely sat on the tree of life. For instance, researchers previously thought that Xianguangia was a sea anemone, but it "is actually part of the comb jelly branch," study co-researcher Peiyun Cong , a professor of paleobiology at Yunnan University, said in a statement.

These findings also make a strong case that comb jellies are related to corals, sea anemones and jellyfish, the researchers said. "Those [ancient] tentacles are the same tentacles that you see on corals and sea anemones," Vinther said. "We can trace comb jellies to these flower-like animals that lived more than half a billion years ago." [Photos: Strange, Eyeless Creatures from the Cambrian Period]

But not everyone agrees with this analysis. While Dunn commended the researchers for their detailed description of D. sanqiong and its proposed relatives, some of these creatures have such different body shapes that it's challenging to see how they could be related, he said. It's possible that the tulip-looking Dinomischus and Siphusayctum creatures are related to each other. But Siphusauctum has ciliary rows on the inside of its body, and the animal purported to come after it, Galeactena, has these rows on the outside of its body. It's hard to see how this animal would, in effect, turn inside out as it evolved, Dunn said. Given that some of these claims are tenuous, the burden of proof is higher, and the researchers don't quite get there, Dunn said.

"These are exciting animals no matter how they're related to each other," Dunn said. "Even though I'm skeptical that tentacles and comb rows are homologous [evolutionarily related], I think that as we describe more diversity from these deposits, certainly we're going to learn a lot more about animal evolution."
The study was published online yesterday (March 21) in the journal Current Biology.

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